Guess what I just scored!!? 3 FREE admissions to the color me rad 5k!!! I will give them to the first 3 who complete the following:
Subscribe- See the "Join This Site" button, in blue, up there to the right? Click on it.
Share a link to this blog on Facebook and tag me in it.
Leave a comment below with your name and contact information if I don't already have it. (You can email me your info if you like to be private like me., but you will still need to leave a comment)
You also have to be able to join us on the 22nd around 7am. Remember this is a FUN 5k and we aren't going to beat the clock or really even run... We are going to get blasted with color and have a great time'
Ready.... Set... Go!!
We can empower each other and run this world! Please subscribe to our blog and share with your friends and family!
Friday, May 31, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
We have another courageous woman sharing her accomplishment today! Her name is Brittany- I have known Brittany since 1995! She and I have been through so much together- pretty much our entire lives! Brittany is that friend that never gives up on something she believes in, but knows when to walk away when things get out of control. Thank you for sharing Britt! I love you!
My Name is Brittany, I am what they call an "Oil Field Wife". My Husband, Vern, of seven years has been working in the gruesome, high demanding and dangerous career path that is the Oil Field. Right now he is a Night Supervisor of the Frac Flow Back division in his company, FMC Technologies. He works a strenuous 12-14 hour a day shift for 28 days straight. Then he comes home for 14 days. You may be asking, "How does he do it?" The real question is "How do I?"
We have two kids, Our daughter is 3 and our miracle son is 10 months. I spend every day taking care of them. Feeding, dressing, entertaining them all by myself. At the end of the day I go to bed by myself, only to wake up two to three times in the night tending to a screaming, hungry and wet baby. Trying to get my daughter back to her own bed. Or simply waking to a strange noise.
Its been two years of this and it seems to be getting harder as the days go by. I talk and Skype my husband every day. He calls at 8pm just to say goodnight to our daughter. He even sings over the phone to calm our son. When he's home he is tired and exhausted, but he plays with our daughter and helps take her to school. His favorite pass time is to go down to the car wash and take our daughter to lunch while his truck gets all pretty.
At the end of the day I take a look at what I have. Two beautiful kids, a wonderful and loving husband, a house to live in, food to fill our bellies and so much love surrounding me. I pride myself in knowing that I am still here living and caring for my family. Staying strong for my husband so he can provide for us. Don't get me wrong, I have my weak moments. Moments when I sit in the shower and just cry or struggle to sleep because I'm alone. I take it one step at a time, one moment, one breath. Looking back I see what I've accomplished. I have a daughter who excels in school. Who is beautiful and full of light. A son who was fought for, wanted, and miraculously given to us even when we were told it may not happen. A life anyone would be proud to call her own.
Thanks again for sharing Brittany!
Now it's your turn. Email me ( with your story.
Next will be another one of my accomplishments! And a new recipe coming soon!
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Vision Board Completion
Over the weekend we had our 1st Ladies Day! It was so much fun!
Take a look at what we accomplished!
Karryn- She wanted to do an inspiration board instead of a vision board. I think that is a neat idea! A way to inspire yourself daily with things you love. This is how hers turned out: (She had to leave a little early so it's not completely finished in my picture)
Brittany- She was focused on herself and making/buying and moving to a new home with her family. She has goals of having a zen garden in her yard- just for her- while still being a "super mom" and growing with her family. Brittany is also our next inspirational story to share! That is coming soon. Here is her vision board.
Mine is next. I put a lot of different goals for my year on my board. I'm going to explain mine in more detail since I know exactly what every item means to me. Lets start from the top left.
Grown up: I am so ready to be 30. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I'm at a place in my life that I am satisfied with what I have done in my 20's. I partied like crazy, I vacationed and slacked off. I worked hard at my career and I am proud to say that I've accomplished many goals. I feel like I am in a place now where it's time to grow up, take care of my husband and daughter. I've settled into my age and I'm ready for the next stage in life. 30 here I come!
My quote: After being in a stressful career, bringing home a lot of money- to being a stay at home mom and working just to get out of the house, I realize that women are the most flexible, resilient "species" I know! We can work till the sun goes down, while pregnant, with a kid and a husband (or not) at home. We come home after a long day at work to cook, clean and tend to others. We plan parties and remember birthdays. We stay home and get bills paid and budgets balanced. We go to school, we talk, we connect with everyone. We keep this world a turnin! And we wake up everyday to do it all over again. For ANYONE to tell us we can't- HA! We can and we do!
The rest of the items have stories behind them as well, but I will just touch on what else I wanted to accomplish this year.
I want good news, to be a happy mom, to manage my time and money. I want to have a lot of fun while keeping my little family happy and healthy. I want to spend time with my husband- date nights. I want to remember to take many pictures. I want to take a family vacation. We are working on our emergency supplies and I would like to be all set up by this time next year. I want to spend time in the sun and feel confident with my curves. I want to "tame my budget" so that we can have another baby. Yep! Another little one will be on its way as soon as we get out of debt! Hopefully we can start trying this time next year- if not before. And under my sun there is a word that says "Surprises!" I want some of those in my life. Nothing huge-just things like an ice cream cone after dinner or a clean house when I get home. Simple Surprises.
I did have one sweet lady email her board and I would like to have yours as well. I still have a bunch of magazines if you would like to grab some to cut up.
Melony- She was my only email. I appreciate your work Melony! Thank you for submitting!
Here is her description and picture: (BTW this project was her idea :))
Each year I like to make a vision board to help clarify my goals for that year. 2013 is my year for fitness! I'd like to train and complete a triathlon. Making this vision board helped me believe it's entirely possible and gave me the courage to learn to swim. It lives right by the door I use to enter my home as a daily reminder that I am strong and capable!!
Thank you ladies for participating!
Remember to subscribe and to share this web page.
Also- please submit a story of something that you have accomplished, someone or something that inspires you or even a project that you completed that makes you proud. I am even interested in what your goals are and how you are going about meeting them. You never know who is reading that can reach out and help you! I would love to feature you!
Lots of love,
Take a look at what we accomplished!
Karryn- She wanted to do an inspiration board instead of a vision board. I think that is a neat idea! A way to inspire yourself daily with things you love. This is how hers turned out: (She had to leave a little early so it's not completely finished in my picture)
Brittany- She was focused on herself and making/buying and moving to a new home with her family. She has goals of having a zen garden in her yard- just for her- while still being a "super mom" and growing with her family. Brittany is also our next inspirational story to share! That is coming soon. Here is her vision board.
Mine is next. I put a lot of different goals for my year on my board. I'm going to explain mine in more detail since I know exactly what every item means to me. Lets start from the top left.
Grown up: I am so ready to be 30. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I'm at a place in my life that I am satisfied with what I have done in my 20's. I partied like crazy, I vacationed and slacked off. I worked hard at my career and I am proud to say that I've accomplished many goals. I feel like I am in a place now where it's time to grow up, take care of my husband and daughter. I've settled into my age and I'm ready for the next stage in life. 30 here I come!
My quote: After being in a stressful career, bringing home a lot of money- to being a stay at home mom and working just to get out of the house, I realize that women are the most flexible, resilient "species" I know! We can work till the sun goes down, while pregnant, with a kid and a husband (or not) at home. We come home after a long day at work to cook, clean and tend to others. We plan parties and remember birthdays. We stay home and get bills paid and budgets balanced. We go to school, we talk, we connect with everyone. We keep this world a turnin! And we wake up everyday to do it all over again. For ANYONE to tell us we can't- HA! We can and we do!
The rest of the items have stories behind them as well, but I will just touch on what else I wanted to accomplish this year.
I want good news, to be a happy mom, to manage my time and money. I want to have a lot of fun while keeping my little family happy and healthy. I want to spend time with my husband- date nights. I want to remember to take many pictures. I want to take a family vacation. We are working on our emergency supplies and I would like to be all set up by this time next year. I want to spend time in the sun and feel confident with my curves. I want to "tame my budget" so that we can have another baby. Yep! Another little one will be on its way as soon as we get out of debt! Hopefully we can start trying this time next year- if not before. And under my sun there is a word that says "Surprises!" I want some of those in my life. Nothing huge-just things like an ice cream cone after dinner or a clean house when I get home. Simple Surprises.
I did have one sweet lady email her board and I would like to have yours as well. I still have a bunch of magazines if you would like to grab some to cut up.
Melony- She was my only email. I appreciate your work Melony! Thank you for submitting!
Here is her description and picture: (BTW this project was her idea :))
Each year I like to make a vision board to help clarify my goals for that year. 2013 is my year for fitness! I'd like to train and complete a triathlon. Making this vision board helped me believe it's entirely possible and gave me the courage to learn to swim. It lives right by the door I use to enter my home as a daily reminder that I am strong and capable!!
Thank you ladies for participating!
Remember to subscribe and to share this web page.
Also- please submit a story of something that you have accomplished, someone or something that inspires you or even a project that you completed that makes you proud. I am even interested in what your goals are and how you are going about meeting them. You never know who is reading that can reach out and help you! I would love to feature you!
Lots of love,
Friday, May 17, 2013
A Little Inspiration and a Little Business
A Little Inspiration
I heard this play on the radio last year about this time, graduation time. I had a reminder again on the radio the other day and thought I love the message so much that I should share with everyone. Have you seen it before? What do you think? Did it hit home for you?
Here it is:
Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen- Click here to watch/listen. It's about 5 minutes and totally worth the time!
Our May Ladies Day
Tomorrow is the day! Are you coming? Do you have a friend tagging along with you? I have a few magazines, chips, salsa and other supplies just waiting for you. Please remember to bring your glue sticks and magazines, as well as some creativity! Or at least some direction in which you want to head in the next year. A vision board is a simple, fun, creative way to set some goals for yourself. Lets get this started!
We will be meeting at my house at 11am. If you need my address please contact me.
If you can't make it to the ladies day I still want you to complete the project! Please send me a picture of your vision board and an explanation of what it means to you. I will post it along with all of the ones we create here. Thanks!
June 5k
There is still time to sign up on our team! It is $45 until May 31st. Our Team Info: Team Name: Ladies All Day Team Captain: Swenson
I know this is spendy so I understand if that's why you can't make it. However, I'm not taking "I don't run" as a valid excuse. I don't either and this isn't a competitive run- it's a FUN RUN. We are going to get blasted with color and take some pretty funny pictures together. I can see who has signed up so you don't need to RSVP to me- Just keep checking back here for any additional info AFTER you sign up.
Thank you for the idea Tierney!
Has anyone done a 5k in their town? A color run? I'd like to hear about it- share it and post your pictures if you have. Please contact me ( with your story.
Who's Hosting Next?
Are you untested in sharing an idea for a ladies day? Do you have anything we can all learn from you? I would like to have everyone invested in ideas and hosting periodically so that we cover everybody's interests and we all want to be included. Please let me know?Here are some ideas if you want to host but don't know what to do.
Movie Night (in or out)
Fun Bus Trip
Picture Day
Color Me Mine
Card/board Games
Pool Party (My mom has a pool we can use)
Anything goes really- I just want to have a positive memory with everyone- doing whatever it is that we do.
Two More Things
Please follow this page. Look in the right hand column. You will see a blue "Join This Site" button. Click it and follow the instructions. This way you will receive what I write in an email form. So much easier.
Also, will you please share the web address with other people in your life? I want to reach as many people as possible.
Thank you for your support!
Monday, May 13, 2013
It's almost here!!!
The 1st ladies day meet-up is this Saturday! I'm so excited! Please let me know by Wednesday if you can make it or not. We will be meeting at my house at 11am. Bring magazines (that we can cut up) and a glue stick or two. You may also want to bring a snack and a drink. I will have chips/salsa and water. Bring a friend too!
If you don't know where I live contact me at and I will reply.
If you don't know where I live contact me at and I will reply.
Now we have another friend to cheer for!
Jessica is one inspiring lady! I'm about to post her topic but before I do I want to say a few things that I admire about her. I've know Jessica for a few years now but haven't really had conversation with her until this year. She is engaged to my friend so it's never really been 1 on 1. This year we have had a few conversations and I have to say I'm sad I didn't ever put forth an effort before. She is amazing, smart and funny! She is motivated and when she sets a goal she reaches it. She's currently trying to get me to run a 1/2 marathon with her. I'm not sure I'm up for that yet! Maybe if she keeps pushing I will give in.
Jessica- thanks for sharing with us today!
Her Story
I was overweight basically my entire life. From around the age of 10 to the age of 24. When I was at my biggest I was a size 22 and weighed 262 pounds. I had tried things many different times when I got older, probably 18 and on, but none of them worked. When I was around 19 or 20 my mom said she would pay for me to join weight watchers to help me lose weight so I figured why not. didn't work. I just was not mentally at my lowest and ready to make the change. I knew I was big but I didn't realize how big and overweight I really was because when I stopped going to weight watchers I stopped stepping on a scale.
About 4 years ago there was a picture taken of me by a friend. When I got home I looked at the picture and the very first thought in my head was "Holy crap I am HUGE!" And that was the point when I realized something had to change. I had a friend who had been on weight watchers and was doing great. My other friend said she was going to join and I should do it with her. So I figured why not and we signed up that week and went pretty much every week to the meetings together. Something clicked this time around and through healthy (well semi-healthy because I love candy) eating and exercise I lost 110 pounds. Best feeling ever was going to Lagoon and going on a ride and not having to sit in the "fat person chair" HAHAHA. It's constant work to maintain and stay healthy. I have gained a little weight back and am working on getting back down to where I want but it's all about give and take. The most important thing is that it is completely worth it. I have discovered that I am about to do things that I would never have thought before. I've discovered that I love kickboxing (I mean who wouldn't love punching and kicking things and NOT getting in trouble for it!), and even though I am by no means fast, I enjoy running and doing half marathons.
Before and After Pictures:
Jessica we are so proud of you! Rock on, Girl! Thank you for sharing!
What I Need From You
Now it's your turn! Send me something big or small that you love about yourself, that you've accomplished or a few paragraphs about someone that inspires you. I don't want this to be embarrassing or hard. I just want to focus on you for a moment and build you up. You can email me at Please include something I can go off of to introduce you, a few sentences, paragraphs, pages if you want and any pictures that may pertain (if you have them). This can be something as simple as "I made it through the day" or as extraordinary as Jessica's story. I just want to celebrate YOU.
I look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday!
Thank you for sharing my web page and continuing to read what I'm putting out there!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Just a thought
I am so proud of myself!! I just stepped out of my comfort zone and did a real (not in school or work) public speech and I nailed it! I volunteered for the Riverton Professional Networking Group to speak to people who are looking for work. People with brilliant minds and who are eager to find jobs. They showed up for heavens sakes, voluntarily!
I was so nervous to do this, I'm talking heart pumping, hands shaking, nervous. I wrote out an outline for a speech (if you would like the outline without my notes leave a comment or email me and I will forward it to you- I paid good money for it in college!) I practiced at home- in front of my daughter- who didn't pay any attention, but it was important that I hear it out loud. It was a bit of work and a lot of time to prepare. I had to research some things like I was in school again. (Not near as much fun as Facebook and Instagram) It was exciting to learn new things and worth the work!
After prepping and rehearsing I went yesterday morning to finish the project! My topic was interviewing skills and how to remain calm for an interview. I do actually have a lot of experience interviewing people and love to do it! It's a subject I picked because I am passionate about people believing in themselves and not selling themselves short. An interview is an amazingly simple thing that can be a determining factor for your future. It's something that is so simple, yet life changing if it goes well. (I have many, many, tips and ideas. If you would like some of them let me know.)
I walked in hands shaking. I was there to tell people how to be calm and I was not at all calm! During my prep I was told that there has been as few as 5 people and a max of 32- but the room was huge! Enough to seat 60-70 easy! That was intimidating for my 1st speech! At first there were 2 people and I thought- "well this should be easy!" Then the door in the back of the room opened up and at least 20 more people walked in! There were about 30 people total when I had finished. Not a bad turn out!
After my introduction from the director, I was on my own. All eyes on me! Once I started it just came naturally. It was such a rush in the moments/hours/days before. I was nervous and hyped up for nothing because I ended up talking smooth and slow and got in every single point.
Everyone was engaged and asking questions, listening and cracking jokes. Some people were emotional and desperate. What a great feeling for me to watch as they grasped what I was talking about. But the real joy came after I finished. I don't think there was a single person that didn't stop me on my way out to introduce themselves and tell me a little about their journey. They shook my hand and told me thank you. I was told over and over that I presented some good ideas and advice that has changed their outlook and built up their confidence already. Little did they know that they have done the same for me.
I was so amazed at the knowledge that sat in that room listening to little ol' me. (Ok, I'm kind of a big deal in my own head, but in the scheme of things I'm just me) I met an engineer, an IT guy, a fundraising coordinator, a construction manager, a guy that worked for NASA! NASA!! And many other intelligent people. Jobs that are so important I don't even understand what they do for a living. It was inspiring to hear their stories and listen to what they are going through to find a job. Most of them older than I and feeling like their age is the biggest obstacle they are fighting. Taking dates off their resume so that they can at least be called for an interview. It's a scary thing to think that we are pushing this age group out of the workforce to hire less experienced, younger people for less money. In my head I feel like it would be worth the money to pay for the knowledge they have gained over the years to teach all of us young bucks some skills. That the years of training and life they have above and beyond us would be beneficial, not detrimental to their resume. One day they are going to be gone and it's going to be us in their shoes. If you are in any position to help or hire or even just listen or give advice to the "older than us" generation, I ask that you do. It is so easy to pay less in wages but what are we giving up? Think about it.
Anyway- There is my soapbox- I will now step off and finish with a few more thoughts. I have volunteered in the past and it really does make me feel wonderful inside! I'm thinking that we all need to get together to volunteer. Let me know if you want in and what you'd like to do.
Later this weekend we have another fabulous woman who wants to share a story about why she is amazing!
Remember to send me your accomplishment- we all want to cheer for you!
May 18th we will be doing our vision boards. I have had about 8 people RSVP so far- If they all bring a friend we should be sitting at about 15-20 people. (I'm going to count on that many. But if you haven't RSVP'd yet I will still have room for you. Just let me know ASAP. Much more than that and I will change the location so the sooner I know, the better) If you are coming please check the link above for the items you will need to bring. I will post a location later this week when I have all the RSVP's confirmed. June 22nd- The Color Me Rad 5k. There are still tickets available for this race. Our team info and all the links are listed here.
You can leave a comment if you don't mind others seeing or you can email me at I look forward to hearing your thoughts and stories.
Much love,
Sunday, May 5, 2013
I feel like, as women, we often put others first and rarely take a look back at the accomplishments we have made. For some of us just making it through the day without losing control is a huge achievement!
I have asked a few ladies to tell me about an accomplishment they have achieved or something or somebody that inspires them to be go getters and proud of themselves. I would like to feature every one of you! Think about what you've done today, goals you have set for tomorrow or anything, small or big, you've done in the past. Email me a few paragraphs (or more) and pictures (if you have them) about why you are proud of yourself, who inspires you and please include a few lines about who you are. I will feature you in the order I receive the stories. Email: I can't wait to hear what we've all been up to!
Our first story comes from Melony. She lives in Texas and has worked hard to be independent. She is my biggest cheerleader and can build confidence in anyone! This woman can do anything she sets her mind to and usually does. This is what she would like to share:
A few weeks ago I stumbled into a small family owned shop while hunting for a rustic coffee table. The shop owner convinced me I could be a "do it yourself-er". With some supplies and a few new tips from my new friend, I believed her. Within the next few days I began repainting my tired, boring furniture. Turns out I'm pretty good at it!
Here are some pictures of what I accomplished:
A few weeks ago I stumbled into a small family owned shop while hunting for a rustic coffee table. The shop owner convinced me I could be a "do it yourself-er". With some supplies and a few new tips from my new friend, I believed her. Within the next few days I began repainting my tired, boring furniture. Turns out I'm pretty good at it!
Here are some pictures of what I accomplished:
Melony also just finished her Color Race in Austin, Texas. She would like to share some photos of her and her girls sharing time together.
I can't wait to meet up with our group in Salt Lake! Our first meet and greet will be on May 18th at 11am. Please RSVP for the address. (If you don't have my phone number please email and I will respond with my information) We will be doing a vision board. I've heard some of you concerned about this project. It's meant to be fun and meaningful to you. I want to step out of our comfort zones and learn new things together. If you don't want to share, you don't have to. Lets just get together and have a blast getting to know one another! You can see more information about what to bring by clicking here.
If you haven't signed up for the color run in Salt Lake City on June 22nd and would like to join our team please do so ASAP. Tickets sell out fast! You can get our team information for the 5k by clicking here.
Thanks for reading!
I would love to hear your story so please email it to