Monday, October 13, 2014

A Little History and Some IMPORTANT Questions I Need Answered. :)

This year has been HUGE for my webpage! Ladies are starting to show up like I had planned and we are getting some cool stuff done together! Now I need your help, along with your attendance to these memorable events, to blow up my blog!

A little background- I originally started this blog to make money. For each click on my webpage I was going to make a few pennies. I’d still like to make this happen but right now I just don’t have the traffic. Please follow and look there for information whenever you can. I also encourage you to share this site with other ladies. (To follow click on the blue link "Join this site" in the top right hand corner)

Anyway- The point of writing and starting this website was to lift each other up as women instead of tearing each other down. I was inspired by Katie Couric and her talk show, that has now been cancelled (boo!) She is so positive and I was anxious to live that way, everyday. I wanted out of the gossip and wanted to hear and talk positively about others, no more drama! I originally started posting stories about accomplishments, small or big, that my friends had made in their lives and it made me feel good to know that even when you have to dig deep to find something wonderful about yourself, you could. Until very few people responded. I gave all these women a chance to tell me ONE thing they have done that they were proud of, even if it was just making it through the day without killing someone, and they had nothing to say.

So now I’m going to put you on the spot! I need you to answer some questions below because I really love having everyone show up and I really love something about every one of you (or soon will if we have not yet met). Some of this is basic, basic stuff, but I am going to ask you one thing about YOU that makes YOU feel proud. If you have to, ask friends who may be able to assist you to recognize what is amazing about you. And one day, I just might call on you to write a paragraph (or a novel if you are like me) so I can post about you. Everyone that comes to these ladies days will know how wonderful you are with that one thing and maybe it will spark a new friendship or just make you feel proud of yourself when you see it posted online.

Thank you in advance for doing this! I know for some this is a really hard thing to do.

And please- if you have questions or need guidance please ask me! I really want to make these days fun for everyone so every question is vital to our success.

Thanks so much!

You can email me your answers or send me a message on Facebook (Copy and Paste the questions might make it easier)


Your name is: _________________ Your phone # is: ___________________________

You live in what city?____________________ This is your _______ time attending a Ladies Day

How did you hear about this webpage?  ________________________________ 

Have you visited my webpage before?  Y / N    Will you visit in the future?  Y / N

If you were hosting a Ladies Day what would you teach us? ________________________________
(Sewing, cooking, ballet, how fun Lagoon is, how good it is to go to a movie or have a cocktail, anything you like to do or that you are good at. You can list more at the bottom of the page if you’d like)

Are you willing to host an event at your house?  Y / N    Would you like to attend again?  Y / N  
In Grantsville?  Y / N  

Which is your favorite Ladies Day so far? (If you’ve never been please look online and see which you wish 
you had attended or just skip this question) ________________________________________________

Here is the big one! Please list at least 1 thing about yourself that makes you stand tall and feel proud?
(Some examples of what some ladies have said- I am a good wife/mother, I met my weight loss goals, I built my own garden/coat hanger and I built up my food storage on a budget. It really can be anything! Don’t make this too hard, Ladies!)

Anything else you want to say?


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