Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Pot Planting Survey

***So the question has come up about budget. Most of us are learning about this for the 1st time and have no clue what these things cost. I talked to Sue and we came up with a plan. After you buy your pot, plan on $15 for the basics (soil, a tall plant, a flower or two and a hanging plant) If you'd like more than that she will have options with pricing attached. Also, if there are plant types you'd like please let me know so she can get an idea of what kind of plants to buy. If you have no clue about plant types it's ok- this is a learning experience- even for me! She also mentioned that you are welcome to bring your own plants and just pay for what you use.
Please complete the survey and if you have questions, concerns or basic comments I'd really appreciate hearing them. This is the 1st time do a party like this so any feedback is helpful.

Here is the survey that needs to be completed and sent to me by Saturday (5.23) Please send it to me via text, email or Facebook. This will count as your official RSVP.

What is your budget? (This will be for plants, dirt and whatever items are needed for your specific pot) 
What size pot do you have? (Please keep it between 16"-22")

Where are you going to put it?
Full Sun   Part Sun   Full Shade

Standing or Hanging Pot?

Color preference? (This is just a suggestion for colors, not a guarantee)

If you can include a picture of your pot set in its place please attach it.

Any Additional Questions?

-We will be going this outside and there won't be much shade. Please bring your own drinks, a side dish to pass and sunscreen.
I can't wait for this! I have a pot just waiting to be planted!

-I've had a few people ask about kids. We will be outside planting. My neighborhood is awesome for kids! I also have a small playground in my yard. If you plan on bringing kids please make sure they have food/snacks, drinks and sunscreen. Hopefully we don't get rained out! (If it rains we can work in the garage but the kids will still be outside.)

If you need my address please let me know in your survey.

Talk to you soon!
