Sunday, October 25, 2015

Special Surprise Pinterest Party!!

I'm adding a new element to this years Pinterest Party because of results from last year. We had great attendance, but some were so overwhelmed with choices that they ended up coming empty handed. So... *insert drum roll*

This year I will be hosting a Tupperware party along with a Pinterest Party!! So we can do crafts, make food (or just eat it) and have a blast exploring all the options Tupperware has to offer. Last year the people making crafts were making gifts for the holidays, those that came without a craft wanted to make gifts but just weren't quite ready to pull the trigger on which one. Now you can come, make gifts (for you or for others) and have to option to buy some Tupperware products. (They even have kids toys!!)

I've never been to an actual Tupperware party, but looking online I already have a few things on my list! I should have a link to share soon.

For the Pinterest part of the Party:

Special Surprise Pinterest Party!
Saturday, November 14th @ 5pm
RSVP by November 9th
Tupperware starts at 6pm
RSVP to enter for a prize when you get here!

If you have never been to a Pinterest Party please read below.

Step by Step:
  • Log on to Pinterest.
  • Pick something you'd like to make from Pinterest! (Click here for our Pinterest board. Let me know if you haven't been added to it so you can pin as well)
  • Pick a food dish/drink that you'd like to try to make (Or you have already made, but found the recipe on Pinterest)
  • Make your dish/drink to pass at the party. (Plan on sharing with about 10-15 ladies)
  • Bring your supplies to complete your craft, your dish/drink, and plan a few hours to hang out.
  • Eat, socialize and create!
Sound like something you want to do?

If So Keep Reading:

I'm pretty excited for this event! It's just in time to make some Christmas gifts for neighbors, friends, family (and I usually complete something for my kids)!

If you 'd like more ideas hop over to our Pinterest board "Pinterest Party Ideas" and check out everything we have pinned in preparation for this party. I will add you to the board if you'd like to contribute.

I will probably be finishing some projects I've already started but haven't had much time to complete.

Want to complete some of those freezer meals for the busy holidays so you aren't cooking every single night?  Just make sure you have all the things you need. If you need an appliance give me a call ASAP so I can be sure to have it in the kitchen. 

I also have a sewing machine, camera, and plenty of craft supplies! Just let me know if you need something and I will double check if I have it.  

I'm getting too excited! I think it's time to start pinning! Oh and don't forget to RSVP for a chance to win a prize! YOU MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE TO WIN

I will see you November 14th! 

Oh! And...
* NO KIDS unless they are old enough to stay occupied with a craft. I'm trying to veer away from kids at these parties. The reason I started this whole deal was to give all my girlfriends a well deserved night off and away (and to have a night off myself.)

Can't wait!


Did you know you can buy kits of these at JoAnns!? 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

3rd Annual Wood Blocking Party

Before you read: Please click the blue "Join This Site" link over the to the right. You can unsubscribe at any time, but subscribing will ensure you get emails when I post events. It's easy and will only take a second.

Wood Blocking seems to be the biggest hit for parties! This and the Favorite Thing Party we did last week. (Which was a lot of fun I must say!) We had some pretty creative favorite things to share! I've listed them in case you'd like to get yourself any of these things.

I'll go around the table and start with Patrice because I got hers: (names after are for the person who received the item and each givers name is a link to a similar item they gave)
Patrice: A garlic rolly thing that minces garlic and other things you don't want on your hands, like jalapeƱos. (Leslie)
Rachel: Decorations and lip balm (Patrice)
Leslie: Journaling supplies for an art journal (Amanda)
Amanda and Sue: they both brought Poo-pourri (haha!) (Rachel and Krystal)
Krystal: Bath and Body works supplies (Which prompted the majority of us to head to the mall for some of our own after dinner.) (Sue)
Lexy: Puzzles! (Jessica)
Jessica: Adult coloring book  (Lexy)

Red Rock Brewery's service and food was beyond amazing and we will probably go there again. September Annually?

And I literally didn't take any pictures! Really!?

Now for October:

Wood Blocking
Sunday, October 18th
Bring your craft, a dish to pass & whatever you're drinking 

There are endless amounts of ideas that can be done at these parties! If it's got wood involved, it's game time! I have a laundry list of things that I need to complete. (I have a slight obsession with Wood Creations in Taylorsville) I also need to complete a growth chart for my kids. Last year a few of us made pumpkins out of 4x4's. If you need help with inspiration please let me know. I have a Pinterest board dedicated to this event.

Ben will be around again this year to cut wood if you need it.

I'd like to keep kids to a minimum. Please try to find a sitter. The whole reason for these days is to have a fun day off from being mommies. If you'd like to come and can't find a sitter please contact me before you RSVP. Thanks!

If you have never been to this event and want more information here are some helpful links:

Remember to reference the October 18th event page for times and info though  ↑↑↑

August Event

2014 Results

Lots of good info

2013 Info

2013 Results (with a teaser for Pinterest Party in Nov)

I realize there are a lot of links in this post. Hope you have time to visit everything you're interested in :)

Please RSVP for the October event ASAP so I can plan tables, chairs etc.

On another note: This might be the last time we can have a painting event at my house. This makes me sad because there may be an added cost to rent a venue or pay someone else to host. But we are planning on new flooring and with the amount of paint on the flooring we have now from these events is scary!)

Talk to you soon,


Monday, September 7, 2015

September My Favorite Thing Party!!

Hi again!

This month snuck up on me!

My Favorite Thing Party!!
Thursday, September 24th- 6:30PM
RSVP for location in Murray


This is one of my favorite parties! (go figure) This time I'm going to do it a little different to keep the cost down and make RSVP's easier to track. I also won't have to limit the amount of people who can attend.
*This month we will be getting ONE item of our favorite thing. Wrap it up cute and bring it with. Just ONE item. Just ONE! It must be your favorite thing that costs around $5. Please don't get crazy and spend a lot of money. ONE item. FIVE dollars. WRAPPED. Bring it to dinner and we will play a group game to exchange gifts.

If you've never attended a My Favorite Thing Party here are some ideas: Lipstick, Purse Mirrors, Flashlights, Kitchen Gadgets, Food Items (please have something hard to find if you do foods/drinks), Decorations... Pretty much anything that is your favorite thing that costs about $5. (I have included a picture below of what I got from our last party.)

Since we are meeting at a restaurant, I will need your RSVP's in advance (even if it's day of) so I can get a table big enough for all of us. You can RSVP through this comments section, on Facebook, or if you have my number just by text.

Sorry in advance but this is an ADULTS ONLY event.
If you live near me I will have 1 or 2 seats open in my car. (gotta take the kiddos to daddy in SLC before dinner)

February's party wins:

Talk to you soon,


Monday, August 10, 2015

Wood Blocking Sunday, August 23rd

Have you subscribed to get event updates? Pretty soon I am going to stop doing Facebook reminders and just go through here. Please click "Join This Site" up there in blue. All that it's going to do is send you an email when I post events on here. Then you won't miss out on any information or events. You can unsubscribe any time.

Craft Lake City was a blast! We got rained out in a scary storm, but I can't wait to go again next year! There was so much to look at, for the kids to do and so much inspiration! Thanks to all the ladies that came and ran with me in the rain!

Next is wood blocking. There wasn't much notice for the 1st event, that's why I decided to do 2 events this month.  I would like to do this in August so that we have a different season for the projects (if you are new to this, we usually do wood blocking in October so we have a bunch of Halloween-Christmas holiday decorations). We may do it again in October, but I think I may have a different idea...

Wood Blocking
August 23rd, 2015 
Bring a dish to pass and your own drinks
You will also need: Wood glue or Modge Podge and your craft
RSVP for the address

I am going to link you over to the last post so that you have a clear understanding of what we are doing. Ben will be home again this year to cut wood if you need it.
I'd like to keep kids to a minimum, but they can play here if you can't find a sitter. Please try though. If your kids are old enough for a craft please supply them with what they need.


Here is the party information from last year. - Please remember to follow the above information for this years information such as time etc as some details are different than last years.

Here are the results (this should give you ideas of what people actually made. 

Here is the link to the Pinterest board for more ideas. 

  • Everyone bring 1 finger food/appetizer to pass  Some examples- Salad, rolls, cheese/crackers, fruit, vegetables, chips/dip or just chips... Think something we can snack on all day while we work. Please don't spend a lot of money!
  • Drinks. I will have cups for water but if you want anything else please bring your own. I expect many of you to be a bit tipsy... No kids, all girls... Just sayin'
  • I need tables/chairs. I already have some but I may need more. If you have any please let me know.
  • Plastic for my floor. or paint blankets- or anything that can have paint/glue dropped on it that will keep it off my carpet. 
  • Paint brushes/sponges. I bought some, but I won't have enough for everyone. Please bring what you are willing to share or just 1 or 2 for yourself.
  • Some girlies to help me set up. I will need you here around 1:30pm
What I have- free for the taking:
  • Paper. It's all a mish-mash. If you want something specific please bring your own.
  • Paint. I don't know if I have the colors you want, but I do have paint I can share.
  • Accessories. I have a bunch of scrapbook stuff you can look through and take what you want.
  • Wood. My husband will be here early in the day to cut down to size if you need. 
What you definitely need to bring:
  • Your project 
  • Your personalized accessories such as paper, decorations, paint, screws... I have some but, again, if you want your project to be specific bring your own. 
  • An idea of how you want your finished product to look (This is where Pinterest comes in handy!)
  • WOOD GLUE! This is not an item anyone is going to have extra of or be willing to share if they do. I got mine at Wood Craft (9891 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070) *Picture of glue below. Other glue will work, but it may mess up your paper. (If you are not gluing anything to your project don't bother getting glue.)
  • Your dish to pass
  • Your own drinks
  • Anything you volunteered to bring
The wood glue Patrice suggests.
If you have questions/concerns or want pictures of what I already have:
  • I'm not posting my phone number here, but you can text me if you have/can get my #
  • Facebook message or comment on the event page
  • Comment on here (please subscribe to this website by clicking on the blue join this site button at the top right of this page)
  • Email me:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August- Craft Lake City and Wood Blocking

This Friday is the annual Craft Lake City event and we are going! I know it's pretty late notice if you don't follow me on Facebook, but I'd like to extend the invitation to everyone. If you don't know about this you're not alone. I just barely learned about it- hence the late notice. It looks really neat though! Over 200 vendors- crafts, arts, food, live music... Here is the link for ticket info (and you can troll around for more information too)

We are taking the kids and are planning on being there as close to 5 as possible. (I know how it goes dragging along tiny ones) There is already an event made on Facebook with all the info. Here is the link. I will also add my own so that we can all communicate together.

I would also like to get together for a wood blocking party since we missed that in June. (Sorry guys! I really do want to keep up during the summer but my calendar fills up so dang fast!)

Wood Creation in Taylorsville is my new favorite place to get all my wood blocking stuff! It seems they are a one stop shop. I can get the wood, the paper... even glitter and wire! They have lists of what they used to create the displays so you can do exactly what they do- or create your own masterpiece! Plus there isn't a huge crowd when I go and the store is bigger so it's not as cluttered and overwhelming like the last place we went. (Not naming names :)) Here is the website in case you want to check it out. I already have a few projects to complete but I love going! If you want to meet me there please let me know so we can plan it. Now we just need a date for the main event... Anyone? Sundays are the best for me... I'm thinking the 16th or the 23rd (preferring the 23rd) Also, I'm willing to host it at my house, but if anyone else is willing in the SLC area please let me know ASAP.

Talk to you soon! And hope it's on Friday at the craft show!


Vision board!!

Hey ladies! I was just invited to a vision board party! I really wish I could go! In case you want to go here is the info. I've also invited a few of you on facebook. If you didn't get a Facebook invite and would like one please let me know asap- the class should fill up quickly.

Here is the link to the event:

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Pot Planting Survey

***So the question has come up about budget. Most of us are learning about this for the 1st time and have no clue what these things cost. I talked to Sue and we came up with a plan. After you buy your pot, plan on $15 for the basics (soil, a tall plant, a flower or two and a hanging plant) If you'd like more than that she will have options with pricing attached. Also, if there are plant types you'd like please let me know so she can get an idea of what kind of plants to buy. If you have no clue about plant types it's ok- this is a learning experience- even for me! She also mentioned that you are welcome to bring your own plants and just pay for what you use.
Please complete the survey and if you have questions, concerns or basic comments I'd really appreciate hearing them. This is the 1st time do a party like this so any feedback is helpful.

Here is the survey that needs to be completed and sent to me by Saturday (5.23) Please send it to me via text, email or Facebook. This will count as your official RSVP.

What is your budget? (This will be for plants, dirt and whatever items are needed for your specific pot) 
What size pot do you have? (Please keep it between 16"-22")

Where are you going to put it?
Full Sun   Part Sun   Full Shade

Standing or Hanging Pot?

Color preference? (This is just a suggestion for colors, not a guarantee)

If you can include a picture of your pot set in its place please attach it.

Any Additional Questions?

-We will be going this outside and there won't be much shade. Please bring your own drinks, a side dish to pass and sunscreen.
I can't wait for this! I have a pot just waiting to be planted!

-I've had a few people ask about kids. We will be outside planting. My neighborhood is awesome for kids! I also have a small playground in my yard. If you plan on bringing kids please make sure they have food/snacks, drinks and sunscreen. Hopefully we don't get rained out! (If it rains we can work in the garage but the kids will still be outside.)

If you need my address please let me know in your survey.

Talk to you soon!


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

MAY and Other Updates

Potting A Pot Properly

May 30th 
Exact address will be given when you RSVP

Sue will be hosting this month and teaching us how to properly plant a pot or planter box. When you RSVP you will be sent a small survey about where your pot will be going and what size it will be. This is important so that your plants can be purchased and brought to the party by Sue. We would like to keep the size of the pot pretty general 6"-21" in size (and it needs to be brought to the party so keep that in mind) The size of the pot will also dictate your pricing. Please contact me or Sue with any questions or concerns. This is a new party for us so we will be working out the details as we go along.

Here are a few things we know:

The survey will need to be complete 1 week before the party so that your plants can be ordered and here on time for the party.

There will be a variety of colors, a tall plant, a hanging/cascading plant and anything else that will fit in your budget and pot.

You will need to transport your pot to and from your home and it will need to be purchased 1 week prior to the party so that you can properly fill out the survey.

Remember that soil and any additional supplies needed for your pot will be added into your budget.

You will need to pay Sue upon your arrival before you start planting any of your flowers/plants.

I am willing to meet up with any of you the week or so before to purchase your pot/planter box if that will make you feel more comfortable. (I think I am going to have the husband make mine out of pallets but I'm down to go shopping!)

RSVP's are extremely important for this event! You can RSVP by leaving a comment below, emailing, texting me if you have my number or through Facebook.

I will post more information if it is needed.

As for some updates. I realized today that I haven't been doing any follow up pictures (mostly because they get trapped on my phone between hundreds of pictures of my kids or I'm so involved with the ladies that I forget to take pictures period.)

So here is what I have from this year:

February we did My Favorite Thing and it was so much fun! I have to limit the attendance to this party to 4-5 people to keep the cost manageable. This year we had 4 ladies attend. We each brought our favorite dish/dessert to pass and a $5 or less gift for each lady. The theme was My Favorite Thing so we all had our favorites to share! I'll admit, this was one of my favorite parties because I got some neat things! I took the picture of the items today- so I apologize that they are all used and not fresh!
This was like a mini Christmas! I can't wait to do it again! Everyone wrapped their favorite things up so nice and we ate mint brownies and Rice Krispies Treats and and and... I may just have to throw another one just because!

Britt- Coffee Mug
Danielle- Wallet (At least that's what I got. She did something different for everyone)
Laura- Glitter Chapstick
Leslie- Rubber Hair Ties


March had 2 events! One was a Pedicure at Cameo and the other was a Color Me Mine event with the kids!

I loved having 2 in March! It was fun to be with the adults only, then have the kids come join for the next! I wish I would have taken more pictures at both events! I was so consumed with the task at hand that I was too relaxed and focused that I just didn't complete picture taking very well. If you have pictures that you'd like me to post please send them to me. Thanks!

1st was Pedicures. This was so much fun! I love Cameo. It's my favorite place to get pedicures. It's hit and miss for the actual pedicure (because they are students) but they always do the paraffin wax and the environment is calm. You also get to sit on a big bench perched up right next to all your friends. This time was one of my favorites because the students we had were involved in the conversations and the whole room was talking about the same things. It was like we had double the friends come!  Plus the ladies that came are like my sisters so that added to my enjoyment!

Did you know that for Mother's Day Cameo does 1/2 off of gift cards!? This is how I pay for my pedicures every year! Spend $30 on a gift card that is worth $60! Here is the picture I sent to my sweet husband who said- "You can go get your own gift card! That place is full of crazed women!" Haha! Looks like I will be online on May 6th.

Then a few weeks later we went to Color Me Mine with the kids. I was pretty excited about the turn out! They even made sure we were in the party room! That was a perk I didn't expect! I wish I would have taken pictures of everyone's before/after. If you have your stuff back and don't see the picture below please send me your completed item(s) so that I can post them. We had so many creative ideas and kids that just went for it! I absolutely love seeing people create their kind of art. We are all so different! It's pretty much my favorite thing! Everyone steps out of their comfort zone and creates. Love, Love, Love!

I'm so thankful for all the amazing women in my life! Thanks for coming along when you can!
I love making new friends so please come and bring someone with you!

See you soon!


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Color Me Mine

Just a quick reminder to schedule your pedicure. Details here

Color Me Mine
April 21st 
3:30ish- Close (8pm)
Draper location 

Tuesdays are 2 for Tuesdays- This means that 2 people paint for the price of 1 studio fee. So bring a friend or your kid(s)! I will have both of my kiddos this time.

Please contact me ASAP so I can get the rest of the plans in place. I will need RSVP's of how many will be coming with you so I can reserve tables. Remember that your kids are welcome to join this event!

Talk to you soon,


Don't know all about Color Me Mine? Check out their website. I absolutely love this kind of therapy!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cocktails and Canvas Pictures

Alright Ladies! I have some info along with pictures from the last Ladies Day.

Info 1st:

Amber is hosting a class in June- She is having a mother/daughter or BFF day and offering 2 paintings for $25. (Or you can just do one for $15) You don't have to have a partner- you can do both for yourself (Probably what I will do because I like both of the paintings!) Link over to her page for more information.

If you can't make it to her house in June why not throw a party in your home!? She is offering classes in home now. You only need a few people to join you. Contact her for benefits of hosting your own party. And if you need help planning it please let me know (I really like making invitations and setting up the details. Secretly I wish I was a party planner!) 
Contact Amber at to set up your party! 
Have you shared her info on social media for your 1/2 price classes!? Remember to tag her when you do.


I LOVE how different each painting is! This is one of my favorite parties! Thank you to everyone who came out! I can't wait to see all of you in April for Pedicures and Color Me Mine!
Talk to you soon,