Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cocktails & Canvas- May 31st 4pm *RSVP is a MUST and needed no later than May 21st*

Please RSVP no later than May 21st. If you have RSVP'd yes and need to change your attendance, please do so right away. We are buying supplies in advance for you and need an exact number so we can stay within budget. We will be asking for your $10 before we begin painting the day of. Please make sure to have cash in hand. You are responsible to buy your own canvas- in whatever size you choose. However, if requested we will pick up a canvas for you for an additional cost (you will not be able to choose the size).

We are also asking that no kids be in attendance. Because of the nature of what we are doing, painting- in my new house- with alcohol, I'd rather not have kiddos running around. If you want more information about this Ladies Day please click here to see my previous post

Cocktails and Canvas

Alright now that the business end is done! We have over 200 posts on the Cocktails and Canvas Pinterest Board! Great job ladies! I have picked the top 5 that were repined so we can vote on which we would like to paint. Before voting please think of a few things including:

What are you doing with your finished product? Think about where you want to hang it, who you want to give it to etc.

Do you want to have a quote or any wording? Dates? A special message? And if so, will it fit  with the painting?

The cost of your canvas- One of the top 5 has four canvases for the complete product (#1).

How much time will you have to commit to painting the day of? Is there enough time for the size  of canvas that you have chosen? (Any of them will take most of the night to complete)

And a little disclaimer- The end product will not be the same as the picture shown. The concept will be the same, but we will have an artist, Amber, recreate the idea in her own way. Then she will teach us and we can add our own colors, quotes, words, etc.

Just for fun I have added 3 additional pins that seemed to be a common theme in our choices. They are also up for a vote. There are EIGHT total paintings to vote from. If we have a tie, I will add the tied paintings and we will vote again. These are listed in no particular order.

You can send your vote to me via text, email, comment on here or through Facebook. You have until May 14th to send your vote. (My mom-in-laws birthday :))


Let the voting begin!
#1 Love (Or any 4 letter word :))

#2 Blue Bird

#3 Hope on a Wire

#4 Peacock Feather

#5 Baby Bird on the Fence

#6 Flower with Quote

#7 Colorful Tree with Words on the Leaves             
#8 3D Circles That Look Like Flowers

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