Here's The Deal
We've done this "Ladies Day/Night" before and I REALLY want to have my girls back! We had it going for about 3 years and I stopped planning them once I got pregnant. They are so, so, much fun and cheaper than therapy! Let's get back on track and get together again. Maybe every other month?
Here's The Trade Off
For every Ladies Night that I have, my husband gets a Guys Night. We trade days/nights watching the kids.
**I'm thinking killing 2 birds with 1 stone. We get to have our girl talk,
the guys get to do whatever guys do AND the kids get social interaction with
other kids! WIN WIN WIN!***
Here's How it Works
I keep track of what we've done, what we are doing and I also add pictures after the fact on this blog. (If you don't know me well, you will soon figure out that I'm a freak about organizing!) This way we are all on the same page about dates, times, places etc. and can come get pictures that we want. (It’s also a great way to get new ladies to join in the fun!)
Here's What Is Needed From You
Your input on what to do. I really want to accommodate everyone so we can discuss which days/dates work for everyone (majority will rule). Please let me know what you can teach the group, if you have special discounts for places or supplies and/or what you would like to spend time doing. Some of my favorite girls’ days are just hanging out for some female "counseling" and I can never get enough of crafting!
I also encourage you to bring your other girl friends along- I know I could use as many women in my life as possible! Give out this blog address to new friends, old friends and those that you would like to be friends with. I figure if we have enough people interested we can keep this going a lot longer PLUS we all have different talents that we can share with each other.
Here's Why
I need some powerful women in my life to build up my "resume". I want to learn to cook different meals, to quilt, learn about your families, essential oils, business ideas, money saving, investing, yoga, what you are doing with your time. I even want to hear about how stressful your job is! It's been a pretty lonely year staying at home, rewarding, but lonely. I've been watching a lot of TV during nap time and I keep seeing the same theme on the shows- WOMEN BEING EMPOWERED BY WOMEN- I could use some of that in my life! I don't want to beg you to come, but I think once we get a group we can grow together into amazing women and we can rule this world! (That sounds crazy, but we've got to start somewhere!)
What do you want to learn? Why do you want to be involved?
Here's The Idea
I've already talked to a few of "The Ladies" and these are some ideas we shared:
Craft night- Patrice is experienced in making very cute woodblock creations! Using scrapbook paper and glitter (along with other accessories) we can create decorative words. I personally can't wait for this!! I want my last name and I already have a space cleared for it on my wall. You can buy shapes as well as letters- Like owls!! My favorite!
Counseling- Brittany and I decided that a night just talking to each other about anything would be a fun way to learn about each other, express our frustrations with whatever it is we are going through and just enjoy being girly. Maybe we can get all dressed up, or choose sweats with feather boas and have a night of counseling. We could "watch" Step Mom- That show always gets to me!
Belly Dancing- Laura knows how to shake her hips and she could teach a class for belly dancing! I'm a little shy about trying it, but if I had some other shy ladies with me I would love to open up to new things!
Pass of All Passes- Ok, have you heard of this!!? A few of us just purchased these this weekend. It is a season pass to all things 7 Peaks. This includes unlimited swimming (I'm a mom and not completely confident with my body, who is!?, this is another way we can break out of our comfort zones and swim without judgment), bowling, a few sporting events along with other things. Arcade!!? Who's in!? I highly suggest you look into this. Even if we don't do a ladies day at the pool. (A few husbands have this as well if we wanted to bring them. The kids would love it too, I'm sure!)
Anniversary Inn- This was a group discussion- We could tour the place and shop downtown and maybe another month we could book a room (like the game room) and stay overnight with just the girls.
Digital Scrapbooking- This would require computers (or a computer if you just want to learn). I've been doing them for years and I've tried many companies. I would like to know who else has worked with digital scrapbooking and what is worth it and what is not. Britt I will teach you even if we don't decide to do this for a Ladies Night.

What are you good at? What's something you love to do, but nobody else does? (I like to karaoke! I'm not great, but it is a lot of fun!) What have you wanted to do, or get done that we could help with?
(<---I want to build a garden like my sisters)
(<---I want to build a garden like my sisters)
Please leave a comment letting us know.
(You can also contact me if you can't figure out how to leave a comment- I can teach you how!! :) )
One Last Thing
We put a lot of work into these days and look forward to seeing everyone. Please, please, be honest if you want to come or not. Also let me know if you need to cancel ASAP so that we don't plan on you being there for food/drinks/reservations or supplies. We will do our best to keep the activities under $20, if not free. I would like to have a different host every once in awhile, if not every month. That way we are all invested and take some time to really plan what we enjoy doing. I can add anyone to be an author on this blog if you'd like to do it yourself- and if you don't know how I can show you. (I love Blogs- they keep my life in order!)
Please RSVP Yes OR No when we plan a get together. I want to know who and if you’re really interested or not. I don't want to email or text you every month if you want nothing to do with this. Just Sayin'
Another big one! I don't want negative gossiping. I know we are all adults, but it is really easy for groups to fall into this old habit. Let's keep it positive and FUN! It's ok to vent frustrations and I want to be able to do that, but talking down on someone is not a fun way to spend a day together.
And Not To End On a Negative
I will also be using this blog for resources that I would like to share- Such as menu planning, organizing, recipes, cool ideas, pictures, other websites, calendars of things to do, etc. I encourage you all to do so as well.
We can have it all Ladies! We just have to work for it!
We Are Woman Hear Us Roar!
*Did you notice that I put links to some things in this entry? Take a look.
I really like the idea of keeping things positive. Sometimes it can be beneficial to vent but there is typically a fine line between that and whining. One of the tools I've often used is to note the time one takes to vent or complain. Then make an effort to match the time used to problem solve or change your perception. For example, if I complain about something for 5 minutes, I then have to speak of it for 5 minutes either drafting a solution, or shifting my perception to accept and embrace what I can learn from it. Just a thought...
ReplyDeleteOOHH an idea for a gathering!!! Gather magazines, canvas, supplies.... and each woman can make a vision board for the year! Everyone can talk about what each thing represents to them and what their goals are. Sure to help newbies get to know each other!!
ReplyDeleteLove this idea. I am game for just about anything. I have lost touch with so many girlfriends since getting married and I miss girl time! Now that I am preggo, I don't want to isolate myself even further.
ReplyDeleteOn a different note, pass off all passes is awesome. We get them every year. There is so much fun stuff to do and it is really a great deal.