Wednesday, September 30, 2015

3rd Annual Wood Blocking Party

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Wood Blocking seems to be the biggest hit for parties! This and the Favorite Thing Party we did last week. (Which was a lot of fun I must say!) We had some pretty creative favorite things to share! I've listed them in case you'd like to get yourself any of these things.

I'll go around the table and start with Patrice because I got hers: (names after are for the person who received the item and each givers name is a link to a similar item they gave)
Patrice: A garlic rolly thing that minces garlic and other things you don't want on your hands, like jalapeƱos. (Leslie)
Rachel: Decorations and lip balm (Patrice)
Leslie: Journaling supplies for an art journal (Amanda)
Amanda and Sue: they both brought Poo-pourri (haha!) (Rachel and Krystal)
Krystal: Bath and Body works supplies (Which prompted the majority of us to head to the mall for some of our own after dinner.) (Sue)
Lexy: Puzzles! (Jessica)
Jessica: Adult coloring book  (Lexy)

Red Rock Brewery's service and food was beyond amazing and we will probably go there again. September Annually?

And I literally didn't take any pictures! Really!?

Now for October:

Wood Blocking
Sunday, October 18th
Bring your craft, a dish to pass & whatever you're drinking 

There are endless amounts of ideas that can be done at these parties! If it's got wood involved, it's game time! I have a laundry list of things that I need to complete. (I have a slight obsession with Wood Creations in Taylorsville) I also need to complete a growth chart for my kids. Last year a few of us made pumpkins out of 4x4's. If you need help with inspiration please let me know. I have a Pinterest board dedicated to this event.

Ben will be around again this year to cut wood if you need it.

I'd like to keep kids to a minimum. Please try to find a sitter. The whole reason for these days is to have a fun day off from being mommies. If you'd like to come and can't find a sitter please contact me before you RSVP. Thanks!

If you have never been to this event and want more information here are some helpful links:

Remember to reference the October 18th event page for times and info though  ↑↑↑

August Event

2014 Results

Lots of good info

2013 Info

2013 Results (with a teaser for Pinterest Party in Nov)

I realize there are a lot of links in this post. Hope you have time to visit everything you're interested in :)

Please RSVP for the October event ASAP so I can plan tables, chairs etc.

On another note: This might be the last time we can have a painting event at my house. This makes me sad because there may be an added cost to rent a venue or pay someone else to host. But we are planning on new flooring and with the amount of paint on the flooring we have now from these events is scary!)

Talk to you soon,


Monday, September 7, 2015

September My Favorite Thing Party!!

Hi again!

This month snuck up on me!

My Favorite Thing Party!!
Thursday, September 24th- 6:30PM
RSVP for location in Murray


This is one of my favorite parties! (go figure) This time I'm going to do it a little different to keep the cost down and make RSVP's easier to track. I also won't have to limit the amount of people who can attend.
*This month we will be getting ONE item of our favorite thing. Wrap it up cute and bring it with. Just ONE item. Just ONE! It must be your favorite thing that costs around $5. Please don't get crazy and spend a lot of money. ONE item. FIVE dollars. WRAPPED. Bring it to dinner and we will play a group game to exchange gifts.

If you've never attended a My Favorite Thing Party here are some ideas: Lipstick, Purse Mirrors, Flashlights, Kitchen Gadgets, Food Items (please have something hard to find if you do foods/drinks), Decorations... Pretty much anything that is your favorite thing that costs about $5. (I have included a picture below of what I got from our last party.)

Since we are meeting at a restaurant, I will need your RSVP's in advance (even if it's day of) so I can get a table big enough for all of us. You can RSVP through this comments section, on Facebook, or if you have my number just by text.

Sorry in advance but this is an ADULTS ONLY event.
If you live near me I will have 1 or 2 seats open in my car. (gotta take the kiddos to daddy in SLC before dinner)

February's party wins:

Talk to you soon,