We seriously had so much fun! If you have the opportunity to sign up for one I would recommend it!
Thank you to all the ladies who participated! We need to talk about what to do next. Any ideas would be appreciated! I know Patrice wants to do woodblocks! I would like to do cooking/grilling. July is out since I know we all have amazing plans for the holidays. What do you think about August? I have a lot then too. September?
On to pictures. Keep looking after pictures for a 4th of July Craft and TWO new Crock Pot recipes to try!
Most of these were taken through a plastic bag. I apologize for the quality of some... Also, some of my favorites wouldn't load onto my computer correctly. If you want more let me know. Although there are plenty here to prove we had an awesome time! 
A Fun 4th Of July Craft! ~Thanks to the local library for the idea! :)
Items Needed:
Glue of some sort
Printed Star on Paper
Popsicle Stick
12" Red, White and Blue Ribbon
It's pretty self explanatory really... Cut out the star, glue it on to the top of the popsicle stick. Tie ribbon around the popsicle stick. Wave it in the air like you just don't care! (This is perfect for my kiddo since she isn't old enough to have sparklers)
And TWO New Crock Pot Recipes!
I have these both memorized because I love them so much!
1- Hawaiian Chicken
Frozen Chicken Breasts (As many as you need according to who you are feeding. I usually do 2 and it feeds my family 2 full meals and lunch for 1 of us)
1 Can Crushed Pineapple
1 Can Black Beans (Rinsed and drained)
*16 oz HOT Salsa (You will want the spice, but if you think you don't at least do Mild)
1 Can Corn
Mix all items in crock pot and cook on hi for at least 4 hours or low for at least 8 hours.
I like to eat this like soup, but my family likes it on tortillas with melted cheese on top and lettuce.
*Salsa- I use a product called 30 Second Salsa with 2 cans of Diced Green Chile tomatoes instead of a jar of salsa. You can find that product here- It's worth every last penny! I use this stuff on everything! I gave it to all of my mom's for Mother's Day last year and they love it too! My step mom just showed me up on a chicken taco salad recipe and I asked what she did to make the chicken taste so good and she said she just placed the chicken in the crock pot and covered it with this 30 second salsa and cooked it. It was AMAZING!
2- The 4 C's
(Cream Cheese Chicken Chili)
Frozen Chicken Breasts
1 Can Beans of your choice (Rinsed and Drained) I like Pinto or Kidney beans
2 Cans Green Chile or Chipotle Diced Tomatoes
1 Can Corn
1 Package Ranch Mix
1 Package Chili Mix
8oz Cream Cheese
Add all items, except the cream cheese, to the crock pot and stir together on top of frozen chicken. Place the Cream Cheese on top of the pile and cook on low for 8-10 hours or hi for 4-5 hours. Stir in Cream Cheese and pull apart the chicken. Serve.
I know you are all dying to try these two meals! I am anxious to know what you think about them. Please let me know?
There is also 1 more thing I wanted to share- I know, I know, this is a lot of reading BUT I'm proud of me (and my hubby) for a completed project in our yard. We worked so hard, just the 2 of us and no baby sitter- in fact, we even had 2 kids over that weren't ours! Anyway, it feels good to have it done and know that we were such a great team together doing it. He didn't expect me to help, but there was no way he was doing that much work alone.
Check out our 12 hour day:
We finished the night off with a few drinks and a fire. My husband has since built some pallet furniture which includes 2 chairs and a bar. He's pretty amazing! BTW- Do you see all that grass? My husband used the sod cutter and I rolled it all up and moved it twice! I also helped him unload and rake out more than a few tons, literal tons, of road base and gravel to get the patio done. All while taking care of 3 kids under the age of 4. (Ben helped with them too- it was far less stress for me to shovel gravel than try to tame 3 kids! I have since decided that we will only have 1 more child. Haha!)
Why am I just now learning of this 30 second salsa!? I'm dusting off my crock pot for sure. Awesome race pics! Good job on the patio. You are definitely my favorite family! Love you!!