Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Back on the Band Wagon!

Ah! August is over. Bittersweet! We had a lot of fun, but man was it a busy month! I owe you pictures from the photo challenge. We will get to that in a moment.

First I want to talk about plans for September. I would like to do a Pampered Chef Dinner Party with all the ladies AND the men! I'm currently trying to sell my house so the date is up in the air for now. I would, however, like to know who would like to attend. Anyone? Here is how it works. You come over, a pampered chef representative will cook you dinner while showing you how to do it yourself. You get to sit back, chat, drink and eat. There is even dessert! It is a presentation to show you cool stuff you can buy for your kitchen, but there is no pressure to buy anything. It's a pretty fun night with free dinner and dessert! Just sayin'

I'm still working on a host for a girls day for October. Any volunteers? Any ideas?

November 9th we are having a Pinterest Party! This will be a ladies only event! Open house- times TBD.  Each person is asked to bring a food from Pinterest to share as well as a craft to make while you are there. If you don't have much time to stay, stop by and say hello anyway. We just want to see all of your beautiful faces before the holidays get crazy! We will have a craft table set up and cocktails ready!

December we will be doing another photo challenge since its such a busy month- I had so much fun with the last one! I hope all of you did too! I will start thinking of ideas for each day. If you have anything you want on the list please let me know between now and then.  

Ok- Here are a few pictures from the challenge. I was going to do every day, but that is A LOT to choose from and post. You can always visit ladiesallday on instagram to see the whole challenge. I just took a screenshot so you could see who posted, what day and the description if any. I know others played along. I'm sorry if I missed you! I noticed that some pictures did not tag ladiesallday correctly so I don't have them on my page. Thanks to everyone who played along!

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